


Sports News

Tag Rugby

Today I would like to talk to you about the tag rugby tournament my teammates and I went to this term.

Now I am going to explain the rules:

1. Your team and your opponent’s team stand 2 metres away from each other

2. Two people from each team do ‘Rock Paper Scissors shoot’ and whoever wins gets the rugby

3. Once the game has started you have to pass the ball backwards to one of your teammates

4. Then they would try and get the ball to the horizontal end of the pitch

5. If one of your tags get taken off then you stop and pass the ball backwards to one of your team mates

6. (the most important rule) have fun.

I like tag rugby because it is an energetic and fun game. It also involves a lot of teamwork and passion.

I hope you enjoyed my report.


Red Squirrel Class


Football News


Last week we played football against Barton and won the match 4-1. They were a really tough team to play against, but we passed and crossed the ball brilliantly. Tommy made some excellent saves. All of the players played really well, and we deserved to win the match. I was really proud because I told Mrs Adams-Beer that I was going to score, and I was able to score my first goal in my first ever match for the team. I would like to say thank you to Mr Uden for setting up this match as we all really enjoyed it. I would also like to say thank you to everyone that came to support us. Well done to everyone as we were a fantastic team.




Red Squirrel Class