
Butterfly Class and Dragonfly Class (Year 3)

Our topic this term is:


Topic: The Tudors

Term highlights...

Common Transfer Day
Sports Mondays
Theatre Workshop
Bounce Beyond
Sports Day 

This term we are focusing on The Tudors in History and Animals, including Humans in Science. We will be looking at the life of Henry VIII and his six wives. We will be enjoying sports every Monday throughout the term with special visitors such as Bounce Beyond, as well as taking part in new team games such as Qudditch. As we prepare to move up to Year 4 we will have the opportunity to meet our new teachers on 4th July and take parts in lots of transition activities to prepre us for a new school year.


Topic: Our Earth Our Future

Term highlights...

Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory trip
Earth Day
Making Recycled Plant Pots
Environmentalist Campaign 

This term we became environmentalists and push for a change in the way we look after our world. With Earth Day at the start of term we began by learning how to write to persuade. Our English lessons saw lots of debate and arguments for a brighter future. The theme continued as we looked at plants in Science, dissecting a plant and learning the scientific names for the parts and carrying out an investigation into what plants need to grow. We also created plant pots using recycled materials, helping to do our bit for the world around us. 







Topic: Extreme Environments

Term highlights...

World Book Day
Book Week
Science Week
Red Nose Day

In Term 4 we have learnt about ‘Extreme Environments’, with a focus on Extreme Weather and the Rainforest. We loved reading The Great Kapok Tree and thinking about how deforestation impacts the animals as well as the environment. In Geography we learnt about Extreme Weathers such as earthquakes, tornados and the rain cycle in the rainforest. In Art we have created a textured collage inspired by the work of Henri Rousseau and the rainforest.

In Science we've been thinking about sources of light. We now know that the moon is not a source of light but reflects the light of the sun.

Sources of ligjht dfly 24


Science week

For British Science Week we delved back into fossils to look at them in more depth. We created information leaflets about fossils, then researched and debated why dinosaurs became extinct. 



We have also been learning to code through Scratch!


Topic: Rockin' and Rollin'

Term highlights...

National Story Telling Week
Stone Age theme day
Story telling around the campfire
Childrens Mental Health Week
Safer Internet Day

This term we began to explore The Stone Age in our topic, 'Rocking and Rolling'. We become historians and considered how artefacts left behind by Ancient man give us clues about their life. We looked at dwellings and decided what The Stone Age needed shelter for, and compared their shelters to our homes today. We looked at what the Stone Age ate and created a menu for our hunting/ gathering ancestors. We then celebrated our learning throughout the term by having a Stone Age themed day where we dressed up and got to do activities such as soap knapping, oat cake making, natural dying and cave paintings using charcoal, soil and clay.



We had a go at our own cave drawings; using tables on their sides, as our own cave!


Graphic novels

We have been learning how to use speech bubbles to show direct speech by designing our own Graphic Novels! Using Stig of the Dump as our inspiration, our designs show Stig and Barney on their adventure through different scenes in the book. We practised the use of speech bubbles through the use of 'freeze frames' and drama.


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Stone Age Theme Day

Stone age day


I learnt they used flint to shape the weapons and I really enjoyed the soap knapping to create my own spear head. 

- Alby


I liked having the group pictures of us all in our Stone Age costumes because Stanley was a mammoth so we pretended to catch him!




Topic: The Wonderful World of Roald Dahl

Term highlights...

Road Safety
Holly Mills visit
Children in Need
Christmas Craft Day
Making chocolate bars

In Term 2 we have fully emersed ourselves into the ‘Wonderful World of Roald Dahl’. From creating a sweet room to inspire our setting descriptions in English, using angles and directions to plan routes to the characters in Maths and designing a chocolate bar to be made and sold at the Christmas Fair. We’re having a fantastic time!

We’ve also been lucky enough to be visited by British Athlete, Holly Mills and completed a Road Safety workshop for Road Safety Week.

Our Forces and Magnets topic has continued in science and this term we’ve been thinking more about how magnets work and using terminology such as ‘attract’ and ‘repel’.

“It’s been amazing how we’ve linked Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to maths.” - George

“I really liked designing the wrappers for our chocolate bars.” - Lana

“My favourite part was making the sweetie houses.” – Lexi



 Testing right angles

In Maths, we've been on a right-angle hunt throughout the school. We were trying to see how may objects have a 90 degree angle!



We have also continued our learning of 'Forces and Magnets' and tested out how the strength of magnets change depending on the type. We found that bigger magnets are not always stronger.



The week before the Christmas holidays were full of lots of festive fun! We enjoyed watching KS1's Nativity, Christmas Dinner Day and the LKS2 Christmas Disco. Whilst Butterflies were trying to create the tallest tower, Dragonflies enjoyed making toys to help Santa for the big day.

 Christmas activities

Find below our favourite Christmas song, which we performed at the Christmas Celebration Assembly....



Topic: Ancient Egypt

Term highlights…

Art Week – Trip to St Andrews Church
Archeological dig
Skip to Be Fit
Captain Wonderweb


We've kicked off the year by learning about Ancient Egypt; we started by writing a fact file using our own research from books and the internet and then began to think about the adventures of ‘Tadeo Jones’. This inspired our first big write as we embodied Tadeo Jones and wrote a diary entry about our adventure through the tomb; we even got to go on our very own archeological dig!

DigEgypt research

In Art Week we focused on ‘special items’ that belong to us and others. We visited St Andrew’s Church and thought about what is important to Christian people before we thought about what is special to us. We then created a 3D memory box inspired by the things that are important to us.

