
Knowledge Organisers

At White Cliffs Primary and Nursery School, we use Knowledge Organisers in class and at home to help children to learn the essential knowledge they need for each topic they study. A Knowledge Organiser sets out in detail what we want children to know by heart by the end of the topic.  We expect the majority of children to be able to recall all of the information on the Knowledge Organiser by the end of the unit of work.

To help parents support their childs learning, we share the knowledge organisers at the beginning of each term via Seesaw.  

It is also useful for children to go back to previous Knowldge Orgnaisers and revise these so that the information from previous learning is not forgotten.

Please click the links below to download the current Knowledge Organiser for your child's year group. 

Key Stage One

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6